
New Commands and Features

  1. Added support for DUMP command (TheRanomial)
  2. Added support for HKEYS command (swarajrb7)
  3. Added support for HEXISTS command (c-harish)
  4. Added JSON.RESP Command (prateek.singh.rathore)
  5. Added support for JSON.ARRTRIM (jujiale)
  6. Added HINCRBYFLOAT command (ayushsatyam146)
  7. Added ZADD and ZRANGE commands (Jyotinder Singh)
  8. Added HINCRBY Command (ankkyprasad)
  9. Added HVALS command (bijuli74)
  10. Added HRANDFIELD command (Indranil0603)
  11. Added APPEND Command (Aditya-Bhalerao)

Improvements and Refactoring

  1. Abstracted out Table implementation and supporting Swiss and Go maps (Arpit Bhayani)
  2. Eval Refactor for better compatibility with all protocols and multithreading (Ashwin Kulkarni)
  3. Made DiceDB build work on different architectures (swaingotnochill)
  4. Added Websocket support (prateek.singh.rathore)
  5. Improved code structure for evalHVALS (Jyotinder Singh)

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed BITPOS command (Bhavya Jain)
  2. Fixed TYPE command return encoding (apoorvyadav1111)
  3. Fixed Child Process not working for BGREWRITEAOF on MacOS (KaviiSuri)

Testing and Documentation

  1. Added integration tests for KEYS, MGET , MSET, JSON commands using HTTP (Shubh1815)
  2. Added HTTP Integration Tests for various commands (Karan Dixit, HARSH VARDHAN SINGH, apoorvyadav1111)
  3. Added Websocket integration tests for SET and GET (prateek.singh.rathore)
  4. Updated documentation for various commands (multiple contributors)
  5. Improved consistency in documentation for multiple commands (multiple contributors)


  1. Made keystat localized to store instance (soumya-codes)
  2. Added check for controlling the max TCP connections (Ayush Saluja)
  3. Updated README with various improvements (Arpit Bhayani, Dhroov Gupta)
  4. Version patch and updates (Arpit Bhayani)


Points to discuss [from Arpit]

  • Playground mono
  • Let’s use the word DiceDB and not Dice, every where, there are variable and config places where the word Dice is used
  • The config “REQUEST_LIMIT” should be “REQUEST_LIMIT_PER_MIN”
  • The config “REQUEST_WINDOW” should be “REQUEST_WINDOW_SEC”
  • What is the purpose of the package internals/cmds?
  • Why is there a package called db that just is a wrapper over DiceDB commands? Supporting a new command in Playground now means making a change in both backend and frontend. Also, these functions are essentially useless now.
  • Also, A better way would be for SDK to expose a generic command that takes command and argos and executes the. What do you think?
  • With this, the need for diced.go vanishes
  • Instead of exposing the endpoint as `/cli`, let’s call it `/shell/exec`
  • We need all errors to be standardized w.r.t casing. I propose everything to be lowercase.
  • server/httpServer.go -> server/http.go, why again the word “server”
  • “errorResponse” function should do JSON marshal and not string format
  • I see places where log and slog both being used, let’s just use slog everywhere
  • Need to understand pkg/util/helpers.go, neither the name not the function made much sense.
  • Playground Web
  • Have a .env file that can take playground mono URL which points to API URL
  • Do not call it `CLI_COMMAND_URL`, a bad name. Call it `PLAYGROUND_MONO_URL`
  • Should we not check in package-lock.json? When I installed the file, it got modified
  • README lacks node version requirement
  • Does this output static site or does it require a server to run? I see the command `npm run start` to start the server in production. Ideally, we want a static website for the playground web. No servers.
  • Why is Dockerfile_Backend file even present in web? Also, very bad name. We are calling it Playground Mono. Also, the name is neither snake nor camel case.
  • “CLI” is a bad name, let’s call it Shell.
  • “ // comment this to hide footer” is such a useless comment.
  • Comments are supposed to be `// comment` and not `//comment`
  • “DiceDB PlayGround” as name should be “DiceDB Logo” “Playground”
  • “Cleanup in :” and “Command left:” have inconsistent styling. Also, it should be `Commands left`. Add a tool tip (i) button, next to both that tells what these limits are all about.
  • Move commands from command.ts file to using DiceDB commands command
  • Delete mock data file
  • In api.ts, propagate the error to the use instead of just logging it to console. Show user the error that was emitted from the backend/mono.
  • Constants file may not be required rightnow, given we should use Playground Mono URL from .env
  • Instead of calling “blacklist” let’s use the word “blocklist”
  • Why cliUtils has get and set and delete, do we not support any other command? Also, given this file is present in utils folder it should be called `utils/cli.ts` and not `utils/cliUtils.ts`

  • © DiceDB, 2024