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DiceDB is an open source, reactive, scalable, highly available, unified cache optimized for modern hardware.

Setting up DiceDB server

Using Docker

The easiest way to get started with DiceDB is using Docker by running the following command.

Terminal window
docker run -p 7379:7379 dicedb/dicedb --enable-watch

The above command will start the DiceDB server running locally on the port 7379 and you can connect to it using DiceDB CLI and SDKs.

Build from source

Terminal window
git clone
cd dice
make build

The above command will create a binary dicedb. Execute the binary and that will start the DiceDB server.

Setting up CLI

Using cURL

The best way to connect to DiceDB is using DiceDB CLI and you can install it by running the following command

Terminal window
sudo su
curl -sL | sh

If you are working on unsupported OS (as per above script), you can always follow the installation instructions mentioned in the dicedb/cli repository.

Building from source

Terminal window
git clone
cd dicedb-cli
make build

The above command will create a binary dicedb-cli. Execute the binary will start the CLI and will try to connect to the DiceDB server.