
New Commands

  1. Added support for JSON.ARRLEN command
  2. Implemented HGET command
  3. Added support for COMMAND command


  1. Improved ORDER BY clause handling in SQL parser
  2. Added support for LIKE and NOT LIKE to the SQL Executor
  3. Added retry with exponential backoff for QWATCH writes
  4. Added support for common cache per fingerprint in QWATCH
  5. Deprecated FROM clause in DSQL and moved key filtering to WHERE
  6. Added realtime leaderboard demo using QWATCH

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed hyperloglog type assertion check
  2. Fixed inconsistent EXPIRE with conflicting options: LT GT
  3. Fixed data race occurring when emitting a WatchEvent
  4. Fixed inconsistent EXPIRE when ran with flags XX, LT-XX and GT on a key without ttl
  5. Fixed bitmap commands deviation from Redis implementation
  6. Optimized type error return


  1. Added TestEnvEnabled config and avoiding AOF dump for test env
  2. Added unit and integration tests for HGET command


  1. Version bump
  2. Notifies Query Manager of key changes asynchronously
  3. Removed locking structures for store
  4. Refactored constants from constants package
  5. Refactored the codebase and moved packages to internal
  6. Removed keypool and related structures from the store
  7. Reverted set data structure to map
  8. Updated README with Leaderboard example


  • Stability + latencies
  • Redis exporter, node exporter, prometheus
  • TCL test documentation
  • Multi-threading progress
  • New query fingerprinting logic

  • © DiceDB, 2024