- Updates from Arpit
- Design discussion around multi-threaded architecture for Dice being implemented by Yash
- JSON integration with QWATCH
- Add JSON support to the executor to filter on JSON fields using JSONPath syntax.
- JSON-to-JSON comparisons in WHERE clause?
- Research from Cockroach labs on Json libs -
Jul 25, 2024 | DiceDB Weekly Community Call
- Commands for supporting JSON as native Data Type - do we agree on this. I see the issue has already been created, we just need an alignment.
- Jyotinder to check for absolute essentials for Realtime Reactivity
- Crips documentation around the DSQL capabilities as of today
- JSON support for JSONPath and partial updates
- Yash to discuss multi-threaded implementation
- ByteArray divergence - BITX commands for ByteArray type
- String and ByteArray implementation will have different performance
- Make sure this is documented
- Arpit to write documentation around `SET` and `GET` command in docs repository.