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The SET command in DiceDB is used to set the value of a key. If the key already holds a value, it is overwritten, regardless of its type. This is one of the most fundamental operations in DiceDB as it allows for both creating and updating key-value pairs.


SET key value [EX seconds | PX milliseconds] [NX | XX] [KEEPTTL]


  1. key: The name of the key to be set.

    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  2. value: The value to be set for the key.

    • Type: String
    • Required: Yes
  3. EX seconds: Set the specified expire time, in seconds.

    • Type: Integer
    • Required: No
  4. PX milliseconds: Set the specified expire time, in milliseconds.

    • Type: Integer
    • Required: No
  5. NX: Only set the key if it does not already exist.

    • Type: None
    • Required: No
  6. XX: Only set the key if it already exists.

    • Type: None
    • Required: No
  7. KEEPTTL: Retain the time-to-live associated with the key.

    • Type: None
    • Required: No

Return Value

  • Returns OK if the command is successful.
  • Returns nil if the NX or XX conditions are not met.
  • Returns an error in cases where the syntax or specified constraints are invalid.


  • If the specified key already exists, the SET command will overwrite the existing key-value pair with the new value unless the NX option is provided.
  • If the NX option is present, the command will set the key only if it does not already exist. If the key exists, no operation is performed and nil is returned.
  • If the XX option is present, the command will set the key only if it already exists. If the key does not exist, no operation is performed and nil is returned.
  • Using the EX or PX options together with KEEPTTL is not allowed and will result in an error.
  • When provided, EX sets the expiry time in seconds and PX sets the expiry time in milliseconds.
  • The KEEPTTL option ensures that the key’s existing TTL is retained.

Error Handling

The command may raise errors in the following scenarios:

  1. Wrong type of value or key:

    • Error Message: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    • Occurs when attempting to use the command on a key that contains a non-string value.
  2. Invalid syntax or conflicting options:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR syntax error
    • Occurs if the command’s syntax is incorrect, such as incompatible options like EX and KEEPTTL used together, or a missing required parameter.
  3. Non-integer value for EXorPX“:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR value is not an integer or out of range
    • Occurs when the expiration time provided is not a valid integer.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

Setting a key foo with the value bar:

Terminal window> SET foo bar

Using Expiration Time (in seconds)

Setting a key foo with the value bar to expire in 10 seconds:

Terminal window> SET foo bar EX 10

Using Expiration Time (in milliseconds)

Setting a key foo with the value bar to expire in 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds):

Terminal window> SET foo bar PX 10000

Setting Only if Key Does Not Exist

Setting a key foo only if it does not already exist:

Terminal window> SET foo bar NX


  • If the key does not exist: OK
  • If the key exists: nil

Setting Only if Key Exists

Setting a key foo only if it exists:

Terminal window> SET foo bar XX


  • If the key exists: OK
  • If the key does not exist: nil

Retaining Existing TTL

Setting a key foo with a value bar and retaining existing TTL:

Terminal window> SET foo bar KEEPTTL

Invalid Usage

Trying to set key foo with both EX and KEEPTTL will result in an error:

Terminal window> SET foo bar EX 10 KEEPTTL
(error) ERR syntax error