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The SET command in DiceDB is used to set the value of a key. If the key already holds a value, it is overwritten, regardless of its type. This is one of the most fundamental operations in DiceDB as it allows for both creating and updating key-value pairs.


Terminal window
SET key value [NX | XX] [GET] [EX seconds | PX milliseconds | EXAT unix-time-seconds | PXAT unix-time-milliseconds | KEEPTTL]


keyThe name of the key to be set.StringYes
valueThe value to be set for the key.StringYes
EXSet the specified expire time, in seconds.IntegerNo
EXATSet the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in secondsIntegerNo
PXSet the specified expire time, in milliseconds.IntegerNo
PXATSet the specified Unix time at which the key will expire, in millisecondsIntegerNo
NXOnly set the key if it does not already exist.NoneNo
XXOnly set the key if it already exists.NoneNo
KEEPTTLRetain the time-to-live associated with the key.NoneNo
GETReturn the value of the key before setting it.NoneNo

Return values

ConditionReturn Value
Command is successfulOK
NX or XX conditions are not metnil
Syntax or specified constraints are invaliderror
If the GET option is providedThe value of the key before setting it or error if value cannot be returned as a string


  • If the specified key already exists, the SET command will overwrite the existing key-value pair with the new value unless the NX option is provided.
  • If the NX option is present, the command will set the key only if it does not already exist. If the key exists, no operation is performed and nil is returned.
  • If the XX option is present, the command will set the key only if it already exists. If the key does not exist, no operation is performed and nil is returned.
  • Using the EX, EXAT, PX or PXAT options together with KEEPTTL is not allowed and will result in an error.
  • When provided, EX sets the expiry time in seconds and PX sets the expiry time in milliseconds.
  • The KEEPTTL option ensures that the key’s existing TTL is retained.
  • The GET option can be used to return the value of the key before setting it. If the key does not exist, nil is returned. If the key exists but does not contain a value which can be returned as a string, an error is returned. The set operation is not performed in this case.


  1. Wrong type of value or key:

    • Error Message: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    • Occurs when attempting to use the command on a key that contains a non-string value.
  2. Invalid syntax or conflicting options:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR syntax error
    • Occurs if the command’s syntax is incorrect, such as incompatible options like EX and KEEPTTL used together, or a missing required parameter.
  3. Non-integer value for EXorPX“:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR value is not an integer or out of range
    • Occurs when the expiration time provided is not a valid integer.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

Setting a key foo with the value bar

Terminal window> SET foo bar

Using expiration time (in seconds)

Setting a key foo with the value bar to expire in 10 seconds

Terminal window> SET foo bar EX 10

Using expiration time (in milliseconds)

Setting a key foo with the value bar to expire in 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds)

Terminal window> SET foo bar PX 10000

Setting only if key does not exist

Setting a key foo only if it does not already exist

Terminal window> SET foo bar NX


  • If the key does not exist: OK
  • If the key exists: nil

Setting only if key exists

Setting a key foo only if it exists

Terminal window> SET foo bar XX


  • If the key exists: OK
  • If the key does not exist: nil

Retaining existing TTL

Setting a key foo with a value bar and retaining existing TTL

Terminal window> SET foo bar KEEPTTL

Invalid usage

Trying to set key foo with both EX and KEEPTTL will result in an error

Terminal window> SET foo bar EX 10 KEEPTTL
(error) ERR syntax error

Set with GET option

Terminal window> set foo bar
OK> set foo bazz get

Set with GET option when key does not exist

Terminal window> set foo bazz get
(nil)> get foo

Set with Get with wrong type of value

Terminal window> sadd foo item1
(integer) 1> set foo bazz get
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value