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The EXPIRE command in DiceDB is used to set a timeout on a specified key. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted. This command is useful for implementing time-based expiration of keys, ensuring that data does not persist longer than necessary.


EXPIRE key seconds


  • key: The key on which the timeout is to be set. This must be an existing key in the DiceDB database.
  • seconds: The timeout duration in seconds. This must be a positive integer.

Return Value

The EXPIRE command returns an integer value:

  • 1 if the timeout was successfully set.
  • 0 if the key does not exist or the timeout could not be set.


When the EXPIRE command is issued:

  1. If the specified key exists, DiceDB sets a timeout on the key. The key will be automatically deleted after the specified number of seconds.
  2. If the key does not exist, no timeout is set, and the command returns 0.
  3. If the key already has a timeout, the existing timeout is replaced with the new one specified by the EXPIRE command.

Error Handling

The EXPIRE command can raise errors in the following scenarios:

  • Wrong Type Error: If the key exists but is not a string, list, set, hash, or zset, DiceDB will return an error.
  • Syntax Error: If the command is not used with the correct number of arguments, DiceDB will return a syntax error.

Example Usage

Setting a Timeout on a Key

Terminal window> SET mykey "Hello"> EXPIRE mykey 10

In this example, the key mykey is set with the value “Hello”. The EXPIRE command sets a timeout of 10 seconds on mykey. After 10 seconds, mykey will be automatically deleted.

Checking if Timeout was Set

Terminal window> SET mykey "Hello"> EXPIRE mykey 10
(integer) 1

The command returns 1, indicating that the timeout was successfully set.

Attempting to Set Timeout on a Non-Existent Key

Terminal window> EXPIRE non_existent_key 10
(integer) 0

The command returns 0, indicating that the key does not exist and no timeout was set.

Replacing an Existing Timeout

Terminal window> SET mykey "Hello"> EXPIRE mykey 10> EXPIRE mykey 20

The initial EXPIRE command sets a timeout of 10 seconds. The subsequent EXPIRE command replaces the existing timeout with a new timeout of 20 seconds.

Error Handling Examples

Wrong Type Error

Terminal window> LPUSH mylist "Hello"> EXPIRE mylist 10
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

In this example, mylist is a list, and attempting to set an expiration on it will result in a WRONGTYPE error.

Syntax Error

Terminal window> EXPIRE mykey
(error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'expire' command

This example shows a syntax error due to missing the seconds argument.

Additional Notes

  • The EXPIRE command is often used in conjunction with other commands like SET, GET, and DEL to manage the lifecycle of keys in DiceDB.
  • The timeout can be removed by using the PERSIST command, which removes the expiration from the key.
  • The TTL command can be used to check the remaining time to live of a key with an expiration.