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The DiceDB Go SDK provides support for all the standard commands plus specialized DiceDB watch commands for monitoring changes to data in real-time.


To install the DiceDB Go SDK, use go get:

Terminal window
go get

Basic Usage

import ""
func main() {
client := dicedb.NewClient(&dicedb.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
defer client.Close()
err := client.Set(ctx, "key", "value", 0).Err()
val, err := client.Get(ctx, "key").Result()

Watch Commands

Creating a Watch Connection

WatchConn creates a new watch connection. You can listen on results of different commands using this connection.

watch := client.WatchConn(ctx)
defer watch.Close()

Watching Commands

There are two ways to watch commands using a WatchConn object:

1. Generic Watch method

The first argument is the context, followed by the command and its arguments:

result, err := watch.Watch(ctx, "GET", "mykey")
// Or
result, err := watch.Watch(ctx, "ZRANGE", "myset", "0", "-1", "REV", "WITHSCORES")

Note: Ensure that the command you’re watching is supports reactivity.

2. Command-specific convenience methods:

The first argument is the context, followed by the command’s arguments.

// convenience method for GET.WATCH
result, err := watch.GetWatch(ctx, "mykey")
// Or
// convenience method for ZRANGE.WATCH
result, err := watch.ZRangeWatch(ctx, "myset", "0", "-1", "REV", "WITHSCORES")

Each watch command returns a WatchResult object containing the initial result of the watched command.

WatchResult Structure

The WatchResult object contains the updated data along with the command being watched and a unique fingerprint to identify the source of the update:

type WatchResult struct {
Command string // The command being watched
Fingerprint string // Unique identifier for the watch command to help identify the source of the update.
Data interface{} // Command result data

The Data field contains the result of the watched command, and can be type-asserted based on the command being watched.

For example, the Data field for:

  1. ZRANGE.WATCH command will be of type []dicedb.Z.
  2. GET.WATCH command will be of type string.

Channel-based Monitoring

To receive subsequent updates to the result set, use the Channel method:

ch := watch.Channel(dicedb.WithWChannelSize(100))
for msg := range ch {
// Process msg.Data based on msg.Command

Note: The Channel method must be called after the initial watch command has been executed.

Channel configuration options:

  • WithWChannelSize(size int): Set channel buffer size (default: 100)
  • WithWChannelHealthCheckInterval(d time.Duration): Set health check interval (default: 3s)
  • WithWChannelSendTimeout(d time.Duration): Set message send timeout (default: 60s)

Watching a Sorted Set

func watchZSet() {
ctx := context.Background()
client := dicedb.NewClient(&dicedb.Options{
Addr: "localhost:6379",
defer client.Close()
// Create a watch connection
watch := client.WatchConn(ctx)
defer watch.Close()
// Start watching ZRANGE results
result, err := watch.ZRangeWatch(ctx, "myset", "0", "-1", "REV", "WITHSCORES")
if err != nil {
// Get updates through channel
ch := watch.Channel()
for msg := range ch {
scores := msg.Data.([]dicedb.Z)
for _, z := range scores {
fmt.Printf("Member: %s, Score: %f\n", z.Member, z.Score)