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The SETBIT command in DiceDB is used to set or clear the bit at a specified offset in the string value stored at a given key. This command is particularly useful for bitwise operations and can be used to implement various data structures and algorithms efficiently.


Terminal window
SETBIT key offset value


keyThe key of the string where the bit is to be set or cleared. If the key does not exist, a new string value is created.StringYes
offsetThe position of the bit to be set or cleared. The offset is a zero-based integer, meaning the first bit is at position 0.IntegerYes
valueThe value to set the bit to. This must be either 0 or 1.BitYes

Return Value

The command returns the original bit value stored at the specified offset before the SETBIT operation was performed. The return value is an integer, either 0 or 1.


  • If the key does not exist, a new string of sufficient length to accommodate the specified offset is created. The string is padded with zero bits.
  • If the offset is beyond the current length of the string, the string is automatically extended, and the new bits are set to 0.
  • The command only affects the bit at the specified offset and leaves all other bits unchanged.

Error Handling

  1. Bit is not an integer or out of range:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR bit is not an integer or out of range
    • This error is raised if the offset is not a valid integer or if it is negative.
    • This error is also raised if the value is not 0 or 1.
  2. WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value:

    • Error Message: (error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    • This error is raised if the key exists but does not hold a bit string value.

Example Usage

Setting a Bit

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey 7 1
(integer) 0

This command sets the bit at offset 7 in the string value stored at mykey to 1. If mykey does not exist, it is created and padded with zero bits up to the 7th bit.

Clearing a Bit

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey 7 0
(integer) 1

This command clears the bit at offset 7 in the string value stored at mykey to 0.

Checking the Original Bit Value

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey 7 1
(integer) 0

If the bit at offset 7 was previously 0, this command will return 0 and then set the bit to 1.

Extending the String

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey 100 1
(integer) 0

If the string stored at mykey is shorter than 101 bits, it will be extended, and all new bits will be set to 0 except for the bit at offset 100, which will be set to 1.

Error Handling Examples

Invalid Offset

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey -1 1
(error) ERR bit is not an integer or out of range

This command will raise an error: ERR bit is not an integer or out of range because the offset is negative.

Invalid Value

Terminal window> SETBIT mykey 7 2
(error) ERR bit is not an integer or out of range

This command will raise an error: ERR bit is not an integer or out of range because the value is not 0 or 1.

Wrong Type

Terminal window> SET mykey "Hello"
OK> SETBIT mykey 7 1
(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

If mykey holds a string value that is not a bit string, the SETBIT command will raise an error: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value.