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The JSON.SET command in DiceDB is used to set the JSON value at a specified key and path. This command allows storing, updating, and querying JSON documents in DiceDB.


Terminal window
JSON.SET <key> <path> <json> [NX | XX]


keyThe key under which the JSON document is stored. If the key does not exist, it will be createdStringYes
pathThe path within the JSON document where the value should be set. The path should be specified in JSONPath format. Use $ to refer to the root of the documentStringYes
jsonThe JSON value to set at the specified path. This should be a valid JSON stringJSONYes
NXOptional flag. Only set the value if the key does not already existFlagNo
XXOptional flag. Only set the value if the key already existsFlagNo

Return Values

ConditionReturn Value
Command is successfulreturns OK
NX or XX conditions not metreturns nil
Syntax or specified constraints are invaliderror


When the JSON.SET command is executed, the following behaviors are observed:

  1. Key Creation: If the specified key does not exist and no flags are provided, a new key is created with the given JSON value.
  2. Path Creation: If the specified path does not exist within the JSON document, it will be created.
  3. Conditional Set: If the NX flag is provided, the value will only be set if the key does not already exist. If the XX flag is provided, the value will only be set if the key already exists.
  4. Overwrite: If the key and path already exist, the existing value will be overwritten with the new JSON value.


  1. Incorrect number of arguments
    • Error Message: (error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'JSON.SET' command
    • Occurs when the command is called with an incorrect number of arguments.
  2. Invalid JSON: If the provided JSON value is not a valid JSON string, an error will be raised.
    • Error Message: (error) expected value at line 1 column 1
    • Occurs when the JSON string is malformed or contains syntax errors.
  3. Invalid JSONPath expression:
    1. If the object is being created and the path is not root:
      • Error Message: ERR new objects must be created at the root
    2. If the specified path is static but does not exist/cannot be created
      • Error Message: (error) Err wrong static path
    3. If the specified path does not exist and cannot be created
      • Error Message: Error occurred on position {}, "$.. <<<<----", expected one of the following: <string>, '*'
  4. NX/XX Conflict: If both NX and XX flags are provided, an error will be raised.
    • Error Message: (error) ERR syntax error
    • Occurs when both NX and XX flags are provided in the same command.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

Set a JSON value at the root of a new key:

Terminal window> JSON.SET user:1001 $ '{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}'

Set Value at a Specific Path

Set a JSON value at a specific path within an existing JSON document:

Terminal window> JSON.SET user:1001 $.address '{"city": "New York", "zip": "10001"}'

Conditional Set with NX Flag

Set a JSON value only if the key does not already exist:

Terminal window> JSON.SET user:1002 $ '{"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 25}' NX
OK> JSON.SET user:1002 $ '{"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 30}' NX

Conditional Set with XX Flag

Set a JSON value only if the key already exists:

Terminal window> JSON.SET user:1001 $.age 31 XX

JSONPath Support

JSON.SET leverages the powerful JSONPath syntax to accurately pinpoint the target location for value insertion or modification. Key JSONPath concepts include:

  • Root: Represented by $, indicates the root of the JSON document.
  • Child Operators:
    • .: Accesses object properties.
    • []: Accesses array elements.