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The JSON.OBJLEN command in DiceDB retrieves the number of keys stored in the JSON object located at key. By default, it counts the keys in the whole JSON object, but you can optionally specify a JSONPath to narrow the operation to a subset of the JSON object.

This functionality is particularly useful for developers working with complex JSON structures who need to quickly gauge the size of those structures.


Terminal window
JSON.OBJLEN key [path]


keyThe name of the key holding the JSON document.StringYes
pathJSONPath pointing to an array within the JSON document.StringNo

Return values

ConditionReturn Value
Command is successfulInteger denoting the number of keys length of the list at the specified key.
Wrong number of argumentsError: (error) ERR wrong number of arguments for JSON.OBJLEN command
Key does not existError: (error) ERR could not perform this operation on a key that doesn't exist
Key is not for a JSON objectError: (error) ERR WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
Path malformed or doesn’t existError: (error) ERR Path 'foo' does not exist


  • Root Path (Default): If no path is provided, JSON.OBJLEN retrieves keys from the root object of the JSON document.
  • Path Validation: If the specified path does not point to an object (e.g., if it points to a scalar, array, or does not exist), the command returns (nil) for that path.
  • Non-existing Key: If the specified key does not exist in the database, an error is returned.
  • Invalid JSON Path: If the provided JSONPath expression is invalid, an error message with the details of the parse error is returned.


  1. Wrong number of arguments:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR wrong number of arguments for JSON.OBJLEN command
    • Happens if the number of arguments is less or more than required. (It must have at least one argument, or at most two arguments).
  2. Key doesn't exist:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR could not perform this operation on a key that doesn't exist
    • Happens if the specified key does not exist in the DiceDB database.
  3. Key has wrong Dice type:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
    • Happens if an operation attempted on a key with an incompatible type.
  4. ERR Path 'foo' does not exist:

    • Error Message: (error) ERR Path 'foo' does not exist
    • Happens if the path string provided (ie. ‘foo’) could not be parsed into a valid JSONPath, or if the JSONPath does not exist in the object.

Example Usage

Basic usage

Get number of keys in the Root JSON Object. You can specify the JSON root using the symbol $.

Terminal window> JSON.SET a $ '{"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "address": {"city": "Wonderland", "zipcode": "12345"}}'
1) 3

It returns 3, because there are three root keys in the root JSON object: name, age, and address.

Or, if you don’t want to specify a JSON path, it may be omitted. The path defaults to the root, and the result is given as a scalar:

Terminal window> JSON.OBJLEN a

Keys inside nested object

To count the number of keys inside a nested object, specify a JSON Path. The root of the JSON object is referred to by the $ symbol.

Terminal window> JSON.SET b $ '{"name": "Alice", "address": {"city": "Wonderland", "state": "Fantasy", "zipcode": "12345"}}'
"OK"> JSON.OBJLEN b $.address
1) 3

Here, it returns 3 because it’s counting the three keys inside the $.address JSON object: city, state, and zipcode.

When path is not a JSON object

When path points to an existing element in a JSON object, but that element is not itself a JSON object, the result is (nil).

Terminal window> JSON.SET c $ '{"name": "Alice", "age": 30}'
"OK"> JSON.OBJLEN c $.age
1) (nil)

When path doesn’t exist

When path does not exist, the result is an empty list or set.

Terminal window> JSON.SET d $ '{"name": "Alice", "address": {"city": "Wonderland"}}'
"OK"> JSON.OBJLEN d $.nonexistentPath
(empty list or set)

Invalid Usage: When key doesn’t exist

When key does not exist, the result is an error.

Terminal window> JSON.OBJLEN nonexistent_key $
(error) ERR could not perform this operation on a key that doesn't exist